Year in Review - From Our Board Chair

Each year the Little Red River Board of Directors sets goals we believe are important in fulfilling our mission and objectives for the Little Red River. In 2020 we were able to reach many of the annual goals:

  • The cutthroat trout egg-planting project this past spring was an historical event for the river. This project was accomplished as a result of the unified efforts of organizations and volunteers, along with cooperation from the AGFC and the Corps of Engineers. Even though the success of the planting will not be determined for 2-3 years when we begin seeing “catchable” cutthroat trout, we all anxiously await the results and hope to have additional plantings in the future.

  • Abandoned docks along the Little Red have been an ongoing issue. Over the years, the Foundation has made several attempts with agencies to address the issue, but to no avail. This past year, through the efforts of Board members, we were able to work with the State Land Commissioner in getting the dock issue addressed. Currently, the State Land Commissioner’s office will take care of any abandoned docks found along the river. Anyone can request an abandoned dock to be removed by going to the State Land Commissioner’s website, and under the “waterway debris” tab, complete the waterway debris report. Do note this only applies to abandoned docks and not dilapidated docks or docks in disrepair. The Foundation will continue to work with necessary agencies to address dilapidated docks and the need for dock registration for identification purposes.

  • We had hoped to see an additional catch and release section on the Little Red this past year, along with the potential closure of brown trout spawning areas during their spawn season. These were not accomplished, but we believe the process of exploring these two goals brought focus and interest in preserving and protecting the Little Red.

  • We have been engaged in conversations with the AGFC, Corps of Engineers and Senator Boozman’s office on the development of the White River Water Basin Study, which will include the study of water management of Greer’s Ferry dam and water release into the Little Red River. Even though we would like for this study to happen quickly, it will take time and will be a lengthy process. But we hope, when it is finished, to see positive changes for the Little Red River.

As we move into 2021, the Little Red River Foundation Board continues to be committed to our mission and objectives. We will continue to listen and obtain input on needs and projects on the Little Red River. We will continue to give attention to the White River Water Basin Study that could possibly affect the Little Red River. We will also continue to have conversations with agencies concerning the issue of dilapidated docks along the river. We believe that siltation continues to be an increasing issue on the Little Red and hope to work with agencies to address this concern.  We can all see the effects of the siltation on the river and the concerns it will cause in the future not only to our shoals, but future brown trout spawns.

As you have already seen in earlier emails, the Little Red River Foundation is working on another exciting project for 2021 and we need your input regarding improving wade-in access areas on the river. We believe this project will continue to define who we are in embracing the idea of working with individuals, businesses, organizations and agencies to better the Little Red River.

As the Foundation continues to grow, so do our infrastructural needs. We hope in the next few months to unveil an updated and more user-friendly website. Included in the website will be new software that will help us with communication, membership renewals, donations and the membership database.

I know most all of us are glad to see the year 2020 go…. but in hindsight, a lot was accomplished and we look forward to what the new year will bring. If the number of people who chose to spend time outdoors during the pandemic (specifically on the Little Red River) is an indicator, we need to continue to work together to preserve, protect and enhance our river for future generations to enjoy.

Thanks again for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you out on the Little Red in 2021!


Lowell Myers
Board Chair


AGFC Commissioner Field Trip